A stay at home mom
trying to find new crafts, sewing projects, recipes, and fashion ideas to try out and share.
If you have anything you'd especially like to see or ideas to share feel free to contact me :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Time To Combine {Joining The Blogs}

Well friends... I think it's time.  We all knew it would come eventually.  I think I will be combining www.darlingdollcreates.blogspot.com and www.mattandkierstyn.blogspot.com.  For two reasons... One I am falling behind on both of them, because I feel I need to update them both at the same time. Two Matt and Kierstyn is supposed to just be a family blog.  So here it is friends.  I need to know.  Should I start a brand new blog fresh name, fresh look, fresh everything and feature stories and crafts OR just use darling doll creates?  I would love input PLEASE HELP!